Bomb Fires
When I was a kid, I thought they were called Bomb Fires. That was before we moved to the Mississippi Coast where fires on the beach were...
Tell Me a Story
Tell me a story. In this century, and moment, of mania, tell me a story. Make it a story of great distances, and starlight. The name of...
What's Next?
My short list of all-time favorite television shows include The West Wing and Sesame Street. There are many shows I like a lot and...
Big Hugs to All Y'all
If the world-wide pandemic doesn't get you, the unsurvivable storm surge will. At some point you start to feel like everything in the...
At a loss
Last year at Christmastime, my husband said to me that he thought, given how volatile the President can be, and the coming year being an...
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...
Did I fall for a cosmetic's online marketing campaign? Why, yes, yes I did. I honestly try not to click on those facebook makeup videos...
Let's eat Grandma!
Today was a tale of a missing comma that wrecked all sorts of havoc. We do a charity golf tournament for United Way every October. This...
What're You Reading?
Lest you think I'm wasting away in front of the television, I wanted to let you know that I am also voraciously reading in 2020. I picked...
What're You Watching?
It seems like now more than ever small talk is all about what we're watching on TV. I mean, we can't go anywhere, or do anything, so it's...
Name game
You might have noticed I changed the name of my page. And now I'm going to tell you how that happened. To start we have to go back to...